Sunday, May 01, 2005
Goin The Other Way 

I don't have any thing new to say, just love this pic. And if I don't post something, you people will just keep posting comment after comment on the old posts. In truth, you don't really need me to say anything. I'm just here to give you a place to rant. Enjoy!

(p.s. just kidding, I'll share more of my thoughts later - like it or not)

# posted by Jeff @ 5/01/2005 10:16:00 PM - Message Board

This Web site is a Boston Celtics fan site and is not affiliated with the Boston Celtics or the National Basketball Association. This is not an official news source and, as such, information on this site should not be considered as fact. More specifically: I'm only kidding, so don't sue me. All content on this site, excepting that which has been attributed from another source, are copyright © 2004 CelticsBlog.com.

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